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Queering DanceSport

We dance outside the box - for a dance world without boundaries!

Queering Dancesport is revolutionizing the dance floor by dismantling fixed heteronormative binary gender roles, challenging patriarchy, and addressing abuse and trauma within the sport. We are building a safer, more inclusive space where all dancers can express themselves authentically, embrace fluidity, and thrive without oppressive constraints

Queering DanceSport: The Toolbox

Each tool takes on a different element of DanceSport that reinforces the heteronormative gender binary and sheds light on how queer perspectives can enrich and transform DanceSport.

  • Gender Neutral Social Dance Party
    Gender Neutral Social Dance Party
    Mon, 03 Mar
    Ever wanted to dance without rules, roles, or expectations? This is your chance! Join us for a night where movement is freedom, and everyone leads their own way. No partner? No problem! No experience? Even better! Open to all. No gender roles. Just music, connection,

Experience transformation!

Whether workshops, talks or book presentations - our events are a place to meet, learn and celebrate. Learn from queer-feminist dance professionals, exchange ideas with like-minded people and discover new perspectives on DanceSport.
Switching between lead and follow: Choreographic possibilities to challenge the heteronormative gender binary in DanceSport

Latin DanceSport enforces rigid gender roles, but leading and following are skills, not gendered traits. Switching roles in choreography enhances creativity and challenges outdated norms. Embracing this change fosters inclusivity, expression, and innovation in DanceSport.

More Articles Coming Soon – Stay Updated!
Dancing Without Limits
Diversity Over Norms

Who we are

Queering DanceSport is an initiative funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) that works to challenge the heteronormative gender binary and promote the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in DanceSport.

Our vision

To initiate conversation, community, and the creation of spaces in which everyone - regardless of gender, identity or choice of partner - can dance and express themselves freely.

Weaving art and science towards inclusion

Using a thorough mix of scientific knowledge and practical experience, we are working to transform DanceSport. We believe that real change can only be achieved through a combination of theory and practice.


Stay tuned!

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